Yeah I know I know, the title is a bit graphic and honestly so is the song, but wadda ya say? It was what was heavily on me ole' mind at the time it was written. Anywhooo, we're really proud to present to you all a video we're working on called, "Bloody" with a fantastic company out of France called, CALLICORE INC. Callicore offered to shoot this ditty and we accepted! So here's some of the intricate details of what goes on behind the scenes in a video like this!
Eshe and Tasha absolutely dis-like how they are animated, they want to look more cute! :-) So Callicore's working on that now. JJ Boogie wanted his beard more like Baba Oje's. Anywhoo, it's what happens with a band of 8 members, somebodies bound to be unhappy.
This is the intro scene where a woman will be praying.
This is a city scene where murderous soldiers will be marching around killing folks... (Soldiers Below)
This song is a poignant essay on the music industries power or lack of when it comes to world events. During the 90's rap as it does even today had a powerful voice and a chance to bring issues of genocide in the Congo and death on US streets to light but instead talked about bling and thongs. While literally rappers were getting blown away and record companies were reaping the monetary benefits. You can listen to the song at our YouTube channel. (Below)
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